Friday, February 14, 2020

Brain Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Brain Research - Essay Example All of the methods, drugs, and research that involve the brain are treading on new territory. With each new discovery, comes the challenge of applying it with ethics and a value system that we can all agree on. The brain is a very changeable organ. It can grow, mutate, and rewire itself as needed. This is often a normal response to trauma or injury. However, science can now induce the brain to change at will. Known as plasticity, the brain's ability to adapt has been studied since the beginning of the 19th century. This ability to change offers some hope for the treatment of Alzheimer's and other diseases of the brain. This research can further help us understand the causes and treatment for a wide range of mental illnesses. It may also lead to products that can enhance the brains functioning. This carries with it the ethical considerations of tampering with our normal thought processes. Rearranging our thinking is nothing new. Biofeedback was an early attempt at using technology to alter our thinking. There are currently numerous drugs available to treat everything from mild stress to schizophrenia. We can also alter our thinking with electronic devices such as with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). It is believed that this device may improve cognitive ability and treat sleep deprivation. We may one day have a computer controlled helmet that stimulates our brain with magnetism to give us an intellectual edge. Medical ethicists will need to decide where the mind ends and where the machine begins. Advocates for forging ahead in the science of the brain are quick to point out that changing our thinking is a positive step towards mental health. We currently change our thinking by altering our diet, environment, education, and behavior. They contend that technology is simply science being put to work for what we have already been doing for centuries. The technology is moving fast as we have exited the 'brain decade' and entered the brain millennium. In conclusion, the science of the brain and the recent discoveries have great promise in treating many ailments such as stroke or psychosis. It also holds the possibility of manufacturing thought beyond our wildest dreams. We are hesitant to manufacture a human clone in a laboratory or create a master race. Yet this is the possibility that brain research holds. The challenge for the next millennium will be for the scientists to balance the discovery with the ethical issues involved.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Global Enterprise and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Global Enterprise and Innovation - Essay Example This is also applicable in the context of China. The impact of globalisation on the Chinese economy which in turn influences its business activities can be well identified with reference to the multinational companies. However, globalisation also provides certain significant opportunities to the business firms in economy. For instance, the Chinese scientists and engineers are becoming important participants in the global science and contributing to the world’s scientific and technical literature. It increased the scope of expansion of the market, influenced the political issues and other developments that support the International Business. The ongoing social, political and economic processes broaden the relationship among the nations, people, organizations and the governmental bodies. Inclusively, China is one of the powerful markets providing exciting business opportunities for multinational companies. ... With this concern, the report will analyse the legal and political environment of China and the impact of globalisation on the economy. The report will also intend to identify the various opportunities or motivational factors which influence the multinational companies to enter China and examine the risk and obstacles faced by the companies during their entrance. Furthermore, the report shall intend to suggest few strategies to overcome the risks and obstacles identified. 2.0. Implication of Globalisation on the International Business Environment of China Globalisation has made a lasting impact on the global business organisations. It has provided various advantages as well as created certain complexities which have made an influence on the operations of the multinational companies. For instance, globalisation creates new job opportunities and offers attractive choices to innumerable consumers. It has also led to numerous innovations. Notably, the issue has flashed a considerable deb ate over the past decade. Economists have argued that globalisation is beneficial to the economic development of the world. However, it is a complicated process which contains a string of aspects such as capital movement, spread of technology and knowledge and political and cultural influences (Simon, n.d.). Most countries, along with China, are moving towards greater deregulations and enhancing the role of free market in the economy. An internet connection, which is even available in the remote areas of the world, can also be identified as a part of developing new business, technology and social innovations. The rapid growth of an economy is exerting pressure on energy, commodities and natural resources. It can enhance the development through expansion of